Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 11 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 11

                                                                                              GENERAL NEWS

          ‘’I have always enjoyed CPD.        ‘’The Grad Dip encouraged me
          I think most RVNs do, as we         to critically reflect on the care
          understand the importance of        I was giving to patients on a
          development in an ever-changing     daily basis. I became fascinated    ‘’The online learning
          veterinary world.                   by comparing my own practices       experience has been great.
                                              to peer-reviewed styles and from    The course material is easily
          ‘’What has the Grad Dip done for    here I decided I would publish      accessible and has allowed
          me? Quoting Mahatma Ghandi          my patient care reports in the      me to balance both work and
          ‘Be the change you wish to see      hope that other nurses would be     education with ease.
          in the world’. My Grad Dip is       interested in how I approached a
          allowing me to be the change        particular scenario.’’              ‘’This course has made a
          I want to see in the veterinary                                         significant difference to my work
          nursing world. To be the change I   Louise Lee (GradDipVN)              within practice. I have gained
          want to be in my practice and to                                        knowledge and skills which have
          continue to be the person I am.                                         already improved patient care
          Hopefully, that will inspire others                                     and the day-to-day running of
          to be the change.’’                                                     the practice. I have been able to
                                                                                  suggest new ideas.
          Meghan Conroy (GradDipVN)
                                                                                  ‘’The most valuable thing I have
                                                                                  learnt from this course is clinical
                                                                                  auditing and how to approach
                                                                                  evidence-based nursing.

                                                                                  ‘’Although it is hard work,
                                                                                  it couldn’t be more worth it. The
                                                                                  knowledge I have gained will be
                                                                                  invaluable to me going forward
                                                                                  and has lit a spark for further
                                                                                  education and development.’’
                                                                                  Florence Mather (CertAVN)

          ‘’Before the course I did not       ‘’Being able to apply               ‘’I feel that I have gained so
          see myself in a senior role         the skills and knowledge            much from this course. Not
          but after starting the course it    to work is amazing. I               only in clinical knowledge but
          has given me the confidence         understand some conditions          the leadership module has
          and additional leadership           much more that I used to            helped me develop personally
          skills to apply for a senior        and am able to change my            and grow in my role at work.’’
          RVN position which is the role      nursing care.’’
          I am now in.’’                                                          Tanya Morrison (CertAVN)
                                              Krishna Mistry (CertAVN)
          Lizzy Doyle (CertAVN)

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