Online simulations provide you with a virtual environment where you can safely experiment with patients. They can offer access to classic as well as unusual clinical conditions.

Compared with passive methods of learning, an interactive case-based approach promotes development of decision-making skills and is a challenging and fun way to learn.

Ocular reflexes simulation
Ocular Reflexes simulation

Dr Raymond Macharia, CBS, asked the Digital Learning Team to develop a resource to support first year students struggling to understand the anatomy of ocular muscles and nerves.

The interactive patient enables students to test ocular reflexes as well as the nervous control of extra-ocular muscles of the eye. Users can make a diagnosis and receive feedback on their answer.

Students reported that the clinical context made anatomy more interesting. When presented with the statement “I found this interactive resource useful” 10% agreed, and 90% strongly agreed.

For more information see Testing the functional integrity of ocular reflexes

Some Student Feedback

“That was AMAZING!! Such a great way to work through a case, and as a student it really simulates being in a practice and making these decisions yourself.”

“This was a great revision aid! Revising from past notes doesn't test your knowledge as well as working through cases and the fact that this was interactive made it easy and fun to work through!”

“This is an excellent idea; well laid out, easy to navigate through and as 'real life' as I imagine you can get for an e-case.”

“This was amazing! Please make more!”

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